
Anxious Senior

It Is Not Too Late To Get Into Better Shape

   You can still get stronger and fitter no matter how old you are. I understand that you feel you could have started sooner. And maybe you also feel a...

It Is Not Too Late To Get Into Better Shape

   You can still get stronger and fitter no matter how old you are. I understand that you feel you could have started sooner. And maybe you also feel a...

Recommended Exercises for Seniors

Recommended Exercises for Seniors

  Exercising is a non-negotiable as you age. As you age you notice that your hair starts to turn gray, and you begin to see wrinkles and aging spots appearing...

Recommended Exercises for Seniors

  Exercising is a non-negotiable as you age. As you age you notice that your hair starts to turn gray, and you begin to see wrinkles and aging spots appearing...

How to Increase Physical Activity in Older Adults

How to Increase Physical Activity in Older Adults

     Older adults aged 65 years and older are practicing a sedentary lifestyle even though several studies have proven the effectiveness of exercise for better health and aging delay....

How to Increase Physical Activity in Older Adults

     Older adults aged 65 years and older are practicing a sedentary lifestyle even though several studies have proven the effectiveness of exercise for better health and aging delay....

Strength Training for the Over 50 Age Group

Strength Training for the Over 50 Age Group

Is muscular strength essential for the over-50 age group? The answer is YES! and for several good reasons.   Strength is the major component of all physical activities, because muscles,...

Strength Training for the Over 50 Age Group

Is muscular strength essential for the over-50 age group? The answer is YES! and for several good reasons.   Strength is the major component of all physical activities, because muscles,...